Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week #4- Input/Output

As my application is essentially based on information that is updated by the users, they must have some form of inputting that information into the application, so that other users can view it. This is where the different methods of input, and input devices come in. Most of the users will be updating the information by using a smartphone, which comes with a built in keyboard on the touchscreen, therefore the touchscreen is the input device. However some users may be updating from a personal computer, where the keyboard and mouse are the input devices.
Input is not only limited to adding new information to the application, we can also use input as a method of accessing information from the application, google 411 is an example of voice recognition, whereby a user can input speech into a microphone and receive a response, for example the map function of the application would use this, when the user can say the location they need directions to, and the device will take the command and produce a response, like a set of directions.

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